Friday 12 August 2022


Sir Humbert Feathercomb is a professional hunter and commissioned officer. His comportment is indisputably impeccable at all times, and his gear and clothing are immaculate. He spends his time hunting monsters, the more dangerous and exotic the better, and might run into the Player Characters at some point.
How you can use Sir Humbert Feathercomb in your games:
- Sir Humbert might first encounter the PCs while they both hunt the same creature. He will graciously allow them to "assist him" but will take the bragging rights for having slain the creature, however useful his actions might have been. While his manner can be abrasive, his generosity in coin and capacity for damage with his enchanted firearm might make it worth putting up with him.
- Sir Humbert might call upon his former "retainers" to help with another hunt- some fearsome fiendish Manticore or half-fire elemental Chimera, perhaps. He is willing to pay handsomely for assistance, but the hunt will be very dangerous.
- A rival noble hunter might even seek to entrap and ensnare the wily Sir Humbert, leading him into an ambush with a terrible beast far too dangerous to take on. The PCs might have to track Sir Humbert across the wilderness, tracking him by the journals he has left, and save him from stumbling into a trap designed to overcome his defenses and bring an end to him.

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